I wanted my native home country Israel, to have the best picture best picture for the people and the national army. Many powerful nations: USA, Canada, Australia, India, F.Rusă, United British United Kingdom, China, Japan and other nations. Is firmly based on 3D digital graphics realities. Computer graphics with real texture that mimics reality. And compete successfully in special effects which nature gives so clear and vivid. I wanted the Chosen People, Israel, Adonai Yahweh's people, nation Bible, the ancient and modern are the best. Or even the top five or ten nations.
It is known that there has always been anti-Semitism. There was fierce hatred and execration, contemptuously hostile to Jews. Today flooded social networking and Internet search engines. They are prolific, incredibly prolific. Creates hundreds of thousands of websites, web personals blogs themed "Destruction of State Jew, Israel" and "extermination of the planet", "inciting mass murder and genocide!"
I tried to show the good, true image of the Jews, people of God, the Bible nation. my people
It is known that there has always been anti-Semitism. There was fierce hatred and execration, contemptuously hostile to Jews. Today flooded social networking and Internet search engines. They are prolific, incredibly prolific. Creates hundreds of thousands of websites, web personals blogs themed "Destruction of State Jew, Israel" and "extermination of the planet", "inciting mass murder and genocide!"
I tried to show the good, true image of the Jews, people of God, the Bible nation. my people
Am dorit ca ţara mea nativă de origine Israel, să deţină cea mai bună imagine Cea mai bună imagine pentru popor şi pentru armata naţională. Multe naţiuni puternice : USA,Canda,Australia,India,F.Rusă,Regatul Britanic UK,China,japonia şi alte naţiuni. Se bazează categoric pe grafica digitală 3D realitic. Grafică computerizată cu textură reală care imită realitatea .Şi concurează cu succes la efecte speciale, pe care natură nu le oferă atât de clar şi intens. Mi-am dorit ca Poporul Ales, Israel, poporul lui Yahweh Adonai, naţiunea Biblică;cea antică şi cea modernă să fie cea mai bună. Sau măcar în topul primelor cinci sau zece naţiuni.
Este binecunoscut faptul că întotdeauna a existat antisemitism. A existat ură crâncenă şi detestare,dispreţ ostil faţă de iudei . În zilele noastre au inundat reţele de socializare şi motoare de căutare INTERNET . Aceştia Sunt prolifici,incredibil de prolifici. Creează sute de mii de websites,webs personalşi blogguri cu tematică "Distrugerea Statului Evreu,Israel " şi "Exterminarea evreilor de pe planetă","Incitare la crime în masă şi genocid!"
Am căutat să arăt faţa bună, chipul adevărat al evreilor, poporul lui Dumnezeu, naţiunea Bibliei. Poporul meu.
The standard emblems of IDF and other variante.
Israel Defense Forces General Description
An order of Defense Minister David Ben-Gurion on 26 May 1948, officially
set up the Israel Defense Forces as a conscript army formed out of the
paramilitary group Haganah, incorporating the militant groups Irgun and
Lehi. The IDF served as Israel's armed forces in all the country's major
military operations—including the 1948 War of Independence, 1951–1956
Retribution operations, 1956 Sinai War, 1964–1967 War over Water, 1967
Six-Day War, 1968 Battle of Karameh, 1967–1970 War of Attrition, 1973
Operation Spring of Youth, 1973 Yom Kippur War, 1976 Operation Entebbe,
1978 Operation Litani, 1982 Lebanon War, 1982–2000 South Lebanon
conflict, 1987–1993 First Intifada, 2000–2005 Second Intifada, 2002
Operation Defensive Shield, 2006 Lebanon War, 2008–2009 Gaza War
and others. The number of wars and border conflicts in which IDF was
involved in its short history, makes it one of the most battle-trained
armed forces in the world.[11][12]
While originally the IDF operated on three fronts—against Lebanon and
Syria in the north, Jordan and Iraq in the east, and Egypt in the
south—after the 1979 Egyptian–Israeli Peace Treaty, it has concentrated
its activities in southern Lebanon and the Palestinian Territories,
including the First and the Second Intifada.
The Israel Defense Forces differs from most armed forces in the world
in many ways. Differences include the conscription of women and its
structure, which emphasizes close relations between the army, navy and
air force. Since its founding, the IDF has been specifically designed to
match Israel's unique security situation. The IDF is one of Israeli
society's most prominent institutions, influencing the country's
economy, culture and political scene. In 1965, the Israel Defense Forces
was awarded the Israel Prize for its contribution to education.[13]
The IDF uses several technologies developed in Israel, many of them
made specifically to match the IDF's needs, such as the Merkava main
battle tank, high tech weapons systems, the Iron Dome, Trophy
countermeasure, and the Galil and Tavor assault rifles. The Uzi
submachine gun was invented in Israel and used by the IDF until
December 2003, ending a service that began in 1954. Following 1967, the
IDF has had close military relations with the United States,[14] including development cooperation, such as on the F-15I jet, THEL laser defense system, and the Arrow missile defense system.
The Israeli cabinet ratified the name "Israel Defense Forces" (Hebrew: צְבָא הַהֲגָנָה לְיִשְׂרָאֵל), Tzva HaHagana LeYisra'el, literally "army for the defense of Israel," on 26 May 1948. The other main contender was Tzva Yisra'el (Hebrew: צְבָא יִשְׂרָאֵל). The name was chosen because it conveyed the idea that the army's role was defense, and because it incorporated the name Haganah, upon which the new army was based.[17] Among the primary opponents of the name were Minister Haim-Moshe Shapira and the Hatzohar party, both in favor of Tzva Yisra'el.Acest Website deţine acreditarea şi recunoaşterea Asociaţiei Internaţionale a Arheologilor şi papirologilor "Arheolong International acreditation" pentru secţiunea "Iudaism Manuscrise originale medievale ".
- Acest Website este realizat pe platformă Microsoft cu suport Google & Blogger. Acest vis în slujba lui Adonai Elohim , afost cu putinţă datorită autorului OBedeya Dorin David Aurel Ben Aharon Cohen şi cu suportul şi sprijinul echipei Google Websites şi Blogger
Google Inc. („Google”), cu sediul în 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, Statele Unite ale Americii.
Mulţumiţi Echipei Google-website & Blogger pentru suportul logistic al acestei ediţii a Talmudului în limba Română şi secţiunea Ebraică-Român. Şi bineînţeles traducătorului:OBedeya Dorin David Aurel Ben Aharon Cohen